Week 53 & 54 News from Sachse, Texas!

It was really sad saying goodbye to the Durrants. They are both so amazing! I can't believe how much they have sacrificed for us. I will miss them so much!!

Tj is basically the big brother I never had but always will have now. He's incredible! And I couldn't ask for anyone better than Kaycee to spend forever with him. 

I love these funny pictures! This is just their families. 

Nothing like a trunky, kissing picture at the temple!

Week 54-
Wow everyone, I can't believe it's already the last week of the transfer. This is the first time I'm not really anxious for transfer news. At this point, I really just want to be where Lord wants me to be. Where He thinks I can make a difference. Whether that be here or somewhere else, we'll find out.

It was a great week in Sachse! We taught more lessons this week than we ever have here, I'm pretty sure. It felt great. Of course, we still had time for a ton of tracting. By the way I have like 15 mosquito bites! And yes, I spray bug spray every day! My companion doesn't even have 1. I guess I need more trials in my life or something-haha. I feel like I've been in the refiner's fire for 6 months. It's been hard, but the results are great.

This week has been super 'filipino'. Every where we go we seem to run into Filipinos- it's been so great! Sister Reboquio is going to be able to touch so many lives! One of the members in our ward-Sister Anderson- is like my Sachse mom. She is literally just like my real mom, it's weird. She is good friends with her sons' former teacher who happens to be Filipina. We had dinner with them twice this week! I've been eating so much Asian food. It's all really good though and I know Sister Reboquio loves speaking her language and sharing in their culture.

Jacob is doing just amazing. I love him! He's like an uncle to me. I can't wait to go to the Holy lands with him someday. It's so nice having connections!
Alisha is also doing really well. She is so strong.
Esmirna is feeling a little pressured, so please pray for her.
Speaking of baptisms I sang at TWO on Saturday! One of God's tender mercies to me.. being able to sing nearly every week of my mission. I love it!

Don't have a ton of time today, sorry. But know I'm working hard and loving it! Even the weather hasn't been that bad yet. Just the bugs. Well I sure love yall a lot!

-Sister Dalling
Week 53-
My wonderful Family and Friends,

I had a great week! Lots of hard work and roller coaster of emotions, but as always it's been amazing.
There's a lot to cover with not much time, so sorry if I don't get everything!

Monday- We found a new investigator who just let us in. He's quite the person. I haven't met anyone like him yet. He grew up Christian but then later on got so confused by all the religions he kind of just set it all aside. He is so much confused by it all now so much that he doesn't even know if he's a Christian. He says there's just so much out there and it's impossible to prove any of it as THE truth because we all claim to have the truth. It's going to be an interesting process teaching him. He doesn't like when we say 'I know these things are true or I know...etc'. But I do know it! So it's impossible not to say those words.
Wednesday- Singing at the Spanish Specialized was fun even though we didn't understand any of it. I still can't believe President Durrant asked me to tour the mission with him for these trainings. It was such a great experience sharing his testimony through the song I sang. We also taught Jacob again. He's doing so great. He says he knows this church is true! He is such a testimony to me..of prophecy being fulfilled, of intellect and faith, of the Book of Mormon, etc. He is studying that book backwards and forwards because he's thirsting for knowledge of the gospel. He's truly feasting upon the words of Christ. We love him!
Thursday- We literally tracted all day. Usually this is our planning day, but we both felt that since we were spending so much time in specialized trainings, we were just going to plan in any of our down time such as lunch/dinner/inthecar. I'm super lucky I have such a great companion who loves to work and have fun. Tracting would be pretty awful otherwise. We always meet really interesting people. I love Texans. I hate mosquitos.
Friday- This was a great day. We got to see everyone at the last Specialized. It was really sad saying goodbye to the Durrants. They are both so amazing! I can't believe how much they have sacrificed for us. I love how anyone can easily see their priorities: God then family. I'll miss them so much! Later that night we went to a 'movie night' our district put together for investigators and members. We watched the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration video. Esmirna and her family came. It was a great experience EXCEPT Satan had to throw in his efforts. The fire alarm was going off the entire time and nobody could turn it off. Everyone still stayed and watched the whole thing though, so it turned out alright.
Saturday- I probably had the best few hours of my entire mission on Saturday. Tj and Kaycee Michalow were sealed June 21 at 1pm. It was such a spiritual experience. It made me really excited to get married someday to be honest! It's such a beautiful thing to know that marriage is eternal. They looked so happy. There were many tears. So many people I didn't even know thanked me for my hand in it. Kaycee thanked me for following the spirit and serving because eternal families is our entire goal as missionaries. Even though I feel I was just lucky to be there at the right time and place, it was so amazing seeing the highest rewards of missionary efforts. It makes every second worth it. Every rejection, every meal skipped, every sleepless night, every tear shed, every sweat drop, every prayer of plea worth it.
Sunday- We had a great lesson with a less active sister, Sister Gonzales. She has a lot of health issues which is mostly why she doesn't come to church. She has a strong testimony. We all ended up crying when she said no matter what she does she knows God loves her because every time she needs someone, we show up at her door within 24 hours. I can't tell you enough about how important it is to follow the spirit. And she committed to come to church next week no matter what.
We also stayed in the zone leader's ward to hear Elder Munday's last testimony before he left for medical testing. I feel so extremely lucky to have spent the last 6 months in this zone with this incredible elder. Anyone else would have gone home long ago. He's an amazing example of serving God to the end. This is a pretty scary trial to go through but he's facing it with faith and confidence that God's plan will prevail. Keep him in your prayers please.

Well that was my week! Quite the roller coaster right? Wow, I love my mission!!
Trying not to think about all the crazy decisions I have to make for after my mission, but there's no avoiding it.

Love all y'all and each y'all!
Sissy Dalling

Write ME!
Sister Kristina Dalling
6360 Murphy Rd.
Sachse, TX 75048

or email:

Happy Father's Day: Week 52 from Sacshe, Texas

Hey Everyone!!

Happy Father's Day to all those amazing men out there. Especially my daddy. You've done soo much for me I can't even put into words how much I love you. It was so fun singing at the lessons we had. Some of the highlights.. On Tuesday the zone leaders (e.munday&e.meads) came with us to teach Jennifer and Josh. I sang "Come, Thou Fount", one of my favorite songs. The spirit was really strong and it was a great lesson. My other favorite time was at Esmirna and Roberto's lesson. President and Sister Durrant came and to teach about The First Vision I sang "Joseph's First Prayer". The spirit there was undeniable and their family accepted the baptismal invitation! I seriously love that family so much. I also sang at the Specialized Training out east in Tyler, TX. I got to see Sister Nance! It was so much fun being the only sisters in a huge conference. Everyone loved the song. It was really sad seeing the Durrants say goodbye to those missionaries. Pretty soon President and Sister Taylor will be here. This week I'm singing at the Spanish Specialized Training as well as our S.Training on Wednesday and Friday! Singing at every lesson also made me miss my dad! Singing is what our family does. Some of our best memories are gathered around the piano or doing 'concerts' for mom. Even on school nights sometimes staying up until midnight singing while my dad plays piano. I love my dad, couldn't ask for anyone better. I'll always be your little girl!

Click here for Youtube song-->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4rZbfCNTpQ

I have the best parents in the world. I say over and over again, God really spoils me. I feel like God has put me in the most perfect conditions for me. He has the perfect plan and He's held my hand the whole way through. So I'm eternally grateful for my Heavenly Father.

I hit my year mark on Thursday! Cant believe it. Time is a funny thing, sometimes it seems so slow but then you realize a whole year went by in the blink of an eye.

Robert moved to Arizona. It was so hard saying goodbye. We've grown really close, especially through that experience with Judy. 

Jacob is doing pretty well. He's studying the Book of Mormon like crazy, he knows its true! There's just a lot of cultural pressure that is holding him back from baptism. Keep praying!

Going out east we got to ride with the Assistants and Elders Evan and Lee. It was so weird being in a van of elders! It was a lot of fun. Assistant Larsen even got pulled over on the way there. Luckily he just got a warning because he was following the speed on the gps rather than the posted sign..oops! The cop was a true Texas ranger though, it was really funny. Afterward we went to really yummy Texas bbq at this little place called Stanleys. It was sooo good!
Stanley's bbq! That burger was HUGE. and yes all those napkins are from wiping grease off. So yummy though.

On Saturday we did a free lemonade/bible/bookofmormon stand with a few companionships from the Zone. It was really fun. We made posters and got cars to stop by and see what we were all about. It was a great, fun, easy way to introduce the gospel.

This week we get to go to Tj and Kaycee Michalow's wedding!! The timing is just right that I get to go! Again, God spoils me. I'm so excited to see them sealed in the temple! It will be my first sealing. I just love the temple!

Can't believe I'm coming up on 6 months in Sachse! But I love it, it'll be sad when it's over. This transfer is already halfway through!
Thank you all for your prayers and support! I couldn't be happier!

Sister Bina Dalling

Write ME!
Sister Kristina Dalling
6360 Murphy Rd.
Sachse, TX 75048

or email:

Compared to Oregon this isn't super out of the ordinary, but east Texas is so much prettier than the city. There are so many trees! I really feel deprived.

Mission Week 51: 1 Year in Texas!!:)

Where do I begin? 
While my family is in Hawaii, I get to be in Texas! 
It has been the best year of my whole, entire life. 
And it was a great week! I really do love Sachse. 

This one family we have been teaching is doing so well! That family is so prepared, it's insane. She knows the church is true because she's seen the fruits of it, especially in her husband's family in Mexico. They love the feeling at church and the gospel principles book. She just hasn't gained a testimony of The Book of Mormon yet, but she will in time. Because this family is so close, President Durrant is actually coming to their lesson this week when we teach the whole family for the first time.

Sadly, some other investigators have been reading a lot of anti material so they are struggling right now, especially with Joseph Smith. Pray for us this week! Only pure testimony and faith can overcome this. We've ran into so many people who are engrossed in anti material. It can destroy faith. In reality, you will find whatever you are looking for. If you want anti about anything, you'll find it. But man does not provide truth, only God does. If someone shows me anything that somehow proves the church is wrong, and the source is man, of course I will go to the true source, GOD. And God is my source, strength, and foundation of my life and testimony. 

Our Jewish investigator is also doing really well. I can't tell you how amazing it is to be teaching someone from Israel. He has fig trees in his backyard from seeds from Jerusalem and seriously that fruit is so amazing! He also says he knows the Book of Mormon is true! However it's going to be a hard journey for him because in their culture and the town he's from, if you switch religions, the entire town and family shun you. He needs a lot of prayers and faith. 

We had an amazing meeting with Robert. He had such an inspirational experience with Judy as she was dying. He just felt so close to the veil. He could tell she could see those of their family that have already passed away. We felt really strongly that Judy has accepted the gospel and will help Robert the rest of his journey. He moves to Arizona this next week. 

One of my best friends, Elder Munday, on the mission is really sick and might have to go home. He's been sick for 14 months but has made it this far. Doctors have examined and tested and haven't found the source, but he's going to see one of the top doctors who is a member next week. He could use a lot of prayers though. 

I have to share an experience that happened last night! We had a little bit of time left before we  had to go home, so we went to the parking lot to contact a few more people. The first two people we talked to were Jewish. We talked to them for like an hour, mostly about the Book of Mormon, an atheist joined the conversation for a bit AND a Jehovah's Witness who came to thank us for our work (he thought were jw at first). So that's just a small experience to show you just how much religion is here in Texas. It's crazy.

One more thing.. next Sunday is Father's Day! I love my daddy so much. It's so hard to believe I've been away from my family for a year. It hit me this morning, especially because I haven't seen my precious Emily in so long! Ok anyways, so for Father's Day I decided I'm going to give something to the best dad in the world. Sister Durrant challenged us to do give of our time or talents. So this week, every lesson I am going to sing a song in honor of my daddy. I'll let y'all know how it goes next week! 

And I get to go out East this week for Specialized Training to sing I Love Jesus Christ! I'm so excited to see Sister Nance!! We get to ride with the assistants for 2 hours each way. Such an honor to be able to do this. 

Well I love y'all! 

Sister Dalling

Week 49 "My life is like my shoes - to be worn out in service" (Sachse, Texas)

“My life is like my shoes—to be worn out in service.” — Spencer W. Kimball 

Hey everyone!
Sorry I didn't have a ton of time last week, or this week.
I'm doing well. Judy passed away last week. Super sad but it was the best thing for her because she was suffering every moment of life.
Esmirna and her family are doing really well! 
Jacob is also doing well. He is incredible to teach. He knows SO much but says I understand more than he does which blows my mind. But the gospel really does make everything so clear and simple. I feel so honored to have met him, what an amazing person with so much knowledge. His knowledge with faith in the gospel....wow. He will do amazing things.
We've been working so hard every day! We tract a ton, but it's been alright. It's starting to get hot though- 95 to 100 every day all day! Let me tell you- when you're fasting that is not very much fun. But it's incredible to feel God's strength in every breath because we have to rely on Him to provide that. Sister Reboquio is still the best- I love her! Made me tear up the other day just thinking about how lucky I am to have her.
I've been studying the enabling power of the Atonement a lot. I love this quote from E. Holland: "I am convinced that none of us can appreciate how deeply it wounds the loving heart of the Savior of the world when He finds that His people do not feel confident in His care or secure in His hands." I loved it because it's so true! We all need to trust our Savior more. To rely on Him each moment. He can help us through anything.
Also: "My life is like a pair of shoes- to be worn out in the service of God." Pres. Spencer W. Kimball
Well I love y'all! Still loving every moment of my mission. It's going by way too fast.


Sister Dalling