Oct 13
I love my momma SO much!
I just want everyone to know about this incredible woman. I
can honestly say she is the woman I want to become! She has taught me so much
about my divine role as a mother. I know I was not the easiest daughter to
raise but we got through it together because my mom has been there every step
of the way. And now I'm here in Texas and she's there in Oregon and I miss her
SO much.
President Hinckley said: "You are the bearers of the
children. You are they who nurture them and establish within them the habits of
their lives. No other work reaches so close to divinity as does the nurturing
of the sons and daughters of God."
Thank you mom for being so amazing! I am so indebted to you
for where I am now, for what I know to be true, for my relationship with God.
Just as the Strippling Warriors I know what I know because my mother knew it. I
We got to watch Meet the Mormons on Tuesday. It was SO much
fun! I loved that movie, everyone needs to see it. It's such a good thing for
nonmembers to see as well. We are relatively normal people :) It was so much
fun to see everyone too, but also sad because that will be my last Specialized
Training with the whole mission.
Thursday we found an amazing new investigator.
She let us right in and we just clicked! She's had a few contacts with the
church, including DoTerra (love it). She was so fascinated by our missions. We
gave her a Book of Mormon and she said she'll read it. We are meeting again
this week.
I definitely had my testimony reaffirmed of talking to
everyone. We saw so many miracles just opening our mouths to those who were in
our path. I hope I always open my mouth.
Friday was so much fun! we went to a place called Shoppes at
Legacy (which is an amazing place btw) with some other missionaries. We
brought a guitar and a ukulele and jammed out to Primary songs. It was so
great! A dad came up with his little girl, we sang her I am a Child of God and
the dad said that was the first live song she has heard! So amazing. And the
Restrepos came to listen to us too. I love them!! Afterward we all went to the
Restrepo's house and had a Mormon Message party.
Saturday was great too. We helped out at a youth conference
for family history. It was all about the Game of Life. So much fun. That night
we sang at a baptism- I love singing!
Sunday I hit my Sweet 16 month mark!!! We also had a potluck
to break the fast with the ward. So much good food! The weather has also been
super amazing. Just like Oregon! It makes me so excited to go home and feel
that perfect weather every day. I used to hate it but now its such a relief.
Except last night was the craziest thunderstorm, woke me up like 5x because the
thunder was so loud and the light from the lighting filled the whole
Sunday was Brother Restrepo's birthday so we heart attacked
his door and gave him a spanish Book of Mormon with our testimonies inside. He
loved it of course! That family is just amazing.
The first and only door we knocked on that day was this lady who said she had been going through a hard time and she was so
glad we came by. We gave her a Book of Mormon and are coming back this week! It
was so amazing to be led by God like that. Then that night we went out with
Sister Walker who is SO amazing. We all have those people in our lives that
influence us forever- she is one of those.
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General Conference with the Restrepos! |
October 6, 2014
Hey everyone :)
I LOVE this fall weather. It's beautiful! It also
makes riding a bike a little more enjoyable. I'm excited to tell y'all
about our week! It was a good one.
Elder Evans was transferred, which was sad. We've been
working on music together since last Christmas! But his replacement is new to
the mission, E.Lee is training him and he is also a cellist and a pianist. Of
course, we are planning another musical number in their ward in 2 weeks.
Speaking of music... Sister Greenall and I do this thing we
call 'sing tracting'. It's quite the experience (haha), keeps things
interesting for sure. When we tract and night it's always dark and creepy, so
we wanted to think of a way to help us stay motivated to stay out. So when
people answer the door we ask if we can sing a hymn for them. We usually sing
"Nearer, My god, to Thee" and people love it! It is so much easier to
feel the spirit and we hand out so much more material that way. Don't know why
I didn't think of doing this sooner!
We're kind of teaching a Muslim family--They are super nice though! Every time we go over, they make
the best food for us!
We're also teaching this guy who we found him through contacting, he's 19 so we might have to hand him over to
ysa. But he almost got baptized at 17 because he's good friends with a member,
but his parents didn't give him permission sadly. But he really wants to now.
Work is the only issue, but he's going to try to make this a priority in his
Right after his lesson, this lady walked up to us and asked
who we were. She said the only reason she had never
gone to our church was because she thought we didn't like black people so she
wouldn't be accepted. We had a super good discussion with her outside. She has
been in a lot of bad places in life through her decisions. She says all she
wants is peace and knows she is missing something. She wants her 8 year old
daughter to have the foundation she never had. She lost hope for herself, but
wants this for her daughter. Of course we testified of the Savior's Atonement
and how she has never done anything in her life that would take her too far out
of the reach of His loving arms. Definitely cried in that contact! She is
coming to church this week!!
I LOVE SISTER WALKER. I've mentioned her in a couple of my
emails, but she is just the best. She is sooo busy, RS President, but always
makes time to come out with us and help us with whatever. She is so close to
the Spirit and just wants to share the gospel with everyone. She recently
befriended her new neighbors and she is just setting them up perfectly for us.
She brought the kids to youth activities, told the mom about General
Conference, talks with her often about the gospel. Sister Walkers sister had a
stroke this weekend, so she wasn't able to watch conference with her
neighbor. But she asked us to stop by and explain it to her. So we did and she
is so great! She recently moved from Vegas, got out of a bad marriage, has 3
kids.. She is so great! So we have high hopes for that as well.
We also met another new investigator who let
us right in! She's strong in the Catholic faith but is open. She is an awesome
mom too! Basically taught her kids all the standards that we have in our church.
Her daughter, who is my age, is just amazing! She wants to devote her whole
life to service pretty much. Which is my dream too! Great family.
Thursday we had a tornado warning! And right after it was a
perfectly sunny day.. Texas weather... hmm.. gotta love it!
Friday we had dinner with Sister Dalling (haha). We went to
Olive Garden- love that place!
So many of the talks were exactly what I needed. I loved
President Uchtdorf's talk (of course), President Eyring just made me cry (love
you mom!), Elder Holland's talk (possibly my favorite).
I loved the theme of prophets and personal revelation. We
are just so lucky and blessed to have what we have! I just want every person in
Texas to listen to Elder Christofferson's talk! Elder Klebingat's talk was
incredible as well.
Ahh I loved Elder Holland's talk. I remember when my family
lived in Cali and every time we went downtown to San Francisco my heart could
not contain the pain I felt for all those homeless suffering there. We are all
beggars. We all need to do our part to bless others. I love Jesus Christ and
His example to us. I love Mother Theresa! I want Christ to be able to say
"She hath done what she could" about me.
I loved Elder Perry's talk! And Elder Eyring's because it
made me appreciate so much the parents that I have. In my notes I wrote
"Thank you Dad for teaching me the meaning of work, for our unforgettable
family trips, for our 101 teaching moments in the car on the way to school or
practices. Thank you mom for making your family and house a home, for being the
influence of the strong, loving woman I want to be, for believing in us and
setting such a good example." "Who can put a price tag on the
influence of a mother?"E.Perry. My parents are priceless to me!
I loved when President Monson said, "To obey is better
than to sacrifice." We have no idea the blessings and promises we are
sacrificing, or even the protection, when we are not obedient.
Of course I loved E.Bednar's talk! We watched conference
with the Restrepos 3/4 sessions so I felt a lot of the talks were just perfect
for him! I LOVE THEIR FAMILY. I feel right at home there. You'll see, in
the pictures they took (haha). I am just snuggled up on their couch.
And of course I love our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. He is so
amazing, so strong. I know he is a prophet. I always love how he closes
inviting us to resolve to do a little better, serve a little more.
Sorry that email was SO long! Just had a lot on my mind. It
was such a good week! I love being a missionary!!
Tomorrow the whole mission is getting together to watch Meet
the Mormons so I am psyched about that! Love you all!
Sister Dalling