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“I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name. …And worlds without number have I created; … and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten” (Moses 1:3, 33).
My dear family and friends,
I hope y'all had the best New Year! Mine was really great.
I've had an awesome week- very up and down but it's supposed to be that way!
I have learned to love goals thanks to my daddy! This New Year's we had a Zone Meeting with President Durrant for interviews. We made some goals we want to accomplish for the next year. One of my goals is to contact at least 10 people every day. That means by the end of the year- or since I go home a little before January- I will have contacted around 3,650 people! That just blows my mind. Another one of my goals is to read The Book of Mormon at least 2x as well as The New Testament. I'm lucky to have a full hour each day dedicated to gospel study. Right now I'm in the middle of Alma.
Since this is my 5th week of Transfer 5, 5 is really on my
mind. Our mission President always says STRYve for 5 (sincerely try very
enthusiastically). The 5 things represent 5 ways of being obedient as a
I thought I'd make my own 5 things to STRYve for
1.Be happy-it's a choice you make every moment of every day!
2.Read the Book of Mormon and the Bible every day
3.Obey the Lord, my mission president, and my leaders
4.Memorize a scripture once a week (4 weeks in a month)
5.Love the Lord with all my
heart, might, mind, strength, and soul
So my dad sent me an email
today and he told me how much he loved looking at the stars and milky way last
week. Not even kidding, while we were tracting New Year's Eve, we happened to
be out in the country, and I could not stop looking at the stars. They were
absolutely beautiful. It made me think about how incredible God is, how amazing
His creations are, and how infinitely small I am. And yet He loves me SO much.
This week really was incredible. It was absolutely freezing,
but we are luckily all moved in to our new home and we are working with an
amazing ward and we are having huge successes!
One of my favorites is Pablo.
We tracted into him and he is amazing. We taught him lesson 1, and he just
soaked it all in. He is hispanic and has soooo much faith! The whole lesson I
was thinking he looks, acts, and talks exactly how I imagine Alma the Younger
would. He is amazing. Tracting does work- it's just very much less effective
than working through members, thats for sure!
Well I'll have to say more next
week because we are about to go to Top Golf! Fun, right? I'm super excited.
I love you!!!!!!!
Sister Dalling
Here's my new address:
Sister Dalling
5936 Sandhill Cir
The Colony, TX 75056
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