Sister Allred & I at the temple |
Zone trip to the Temple |
Daysie, Sis Hansen
and I :) |
Daysie, Aimee, and
Jeremy |
Our dinner the other
night was the best! Four kids that all treated us like celebrities and they
made us a cake! I love being a missionary! |
Temple trip with my Zone |
Wow there's a lot to catch up on!
We hit standards of excellence two weeks in a row which is
super uncommon! Standards are the goals we have as a zone that we all strive to
achieve. This was a huge accomplishment, but it was also really hard
John is so incredible. He's like a third grandpa to me. He
always says the best things like this past week he randomly said "I'm
proud to be a Mormon." He's so awesome! We also sent his wife a card two
days ago from John and us. In his part of the card he wrote "Darling, Now
we can be expressing our love for each other in a beautiful new way.
Sweetheart, for ever and ever, now and always. Love, Johnny" Melts my
It was also Daysie's baptism on Saturday! Her grandparents
came in from Pennsylvania and her Grandpa baptized her. Daysie wanted to sing
"I am a Child of God" to everyone for her musical number. It was the
cutest thing! It was incredible thinking if it weren't for missionary work she
wouldn't even know that song let alone be baptized! It was an incredible
We also got to go to the temple because our zone reached our
baptismal goal for the month! We went as a zone and it was SO special. I really
needed it at that time to help me with some answers I've been looking for. God
has been so good to me. I feel so blessed.
At this time, because of all of our success we are getting a
lot of praise, but I want to let everyone know it hardly has anything to do
with my companion and I. We are simply the conduits that allowed these miracles
to happen. This is the Lord's work, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it
firsthand. My favorite scripture this week is Alma 26:11-12 "..I do not
boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full,
yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that
I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of
myself, but I will boast of my Bod, for in his strength I can do all things;
yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we
will praise his name forever."
I just have to say, yesterday was just about the best fast
Sunday I've ever had. TJ recently made a deal if I quit chocolate for 2 weeks,
he'll quit sweet tea- the last thing he has to quit! He's given up tattoos,
coffee, smoking, and sweet tea. None of us can believe it. He has no desire to
do any of those things again. He also received a calling yesterday for the
first time in 16 years and bore his testimony in front of everyone for the
first time in 20 years. Also normally I wouldn't bring up baptisms that are a
month or more away because a lot of them drop, but this girl we are teaching is
solid. Her name is Kaycee and she is friends with a missionary in our ward who
had to come home temporarily for some medical reasons. Her first Sunday
visiting, we met her and she claimed to be atheist. We've met with her a
lot since then and she loves and accepts Jesus Christ as her Savior and is
getting baptized November 16. Her heart and countenance have completely
changed. She knows who she is and knows God loves her. She bore her testimony
as well yesterday in front of everyone, announced her baptism via facebook AND
the pulpit. One of her friends on facebook even asked if she could come to
church with her. I love Kaycee!
Well that's all I have time for today.
God bless all ya'll and each ya'll. Stay strong out there!
Thank you for your prayers and letters of support. <3
Sister Dalling
My Address:
5008 Pemberton Ln.
The Colony, TX 75056